In NovaRS 1.4.3 is fixed NovAtel OEMV3 firmware bug (up to version 3.70)
Welcome to NovaRS homepage!
NovaRS is a GNSS station controlling software for Linux OS.
This software distributed under terms of GNU Lesser General Public License "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY in hope that it can be useful. NovaRS supports NovAtel receivers based at OEMV3 cards (IGS designation NOV OEMV3).
Key features
- On-the-fly generating hourly/daily RINEX 2.11 observation (GPS,GLONASS) and navigation (GPS,GLONASS) files according to IGS naming conventions
- CRC32 sum checking for receiver logs
- Event logging via syslog
- Setup session parameters (mask angle, carrier smoothing parameter, satellite system )
- Report missing observations, bad clock status, half-cycle slips (in debug mode)
- Software works in daemon mode and started/stopped/restarted via runlevel script
- Simple self-documented configuration file
- Supported hardware: NovAtel DL-V3, ProPak-V3 GPS/GLONASS receivers.
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